Disciplinary Text Sets

Foundations for Multilingualism in Education: From Principles to Practice

  • De Jong, E. (2011).  Foundations for multilingualism in education:  From principles to practice.  Philadelphia, PA:  Caslon.

  • Foundations for Multilingualism in Education: From Principles to Practice aims for a culturally diverse and multilingual classrooms. With a globalized world this seems logical for educators to incorporate strategies to strive for equity. This text also promotes cultural awareness within the classroom and school community.
  • This text is geared toward college students and educators, it is exceedingly complex with a lot of vocabulary that is domain specific.  There are many graphs and charts that are used to conveys numerical values and court cases that are not always specifically explained in the text.

  • This textbook was written for practicing educators and college students who are interested in pursuing this career with a focus on multilingualism and its application in the classroom.


  • Utilizing this textbook, a question that could be posed to students could be:

“Thinking of a school district within Albuquerque Public Schools, how could you create a rich classroom that celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity?” 

Racial/Ethnic Prejudice & Discrimination: Crash Course Sociology #35

  • This video is a short crash course on racism, prejudice, and discrimination. It goes over the different types of discrimination that can be found in a society and how they differ and how they started. This video allows students to get a quick review on vocabulary terms in a media format rather than having them read definitions that may be ambiguous.
  • This video is moderately complex because it enhances students understanding of the students utilizing multimedia. The vocabulary is somewhat familiar but not conversational and it is defined as it is being presented. It uses a lot of outside ideas, theories, and allusions to make the vocabulary comprehensible to students.

  • The task is moderately complex as it requires the students to view and    comprehend the material that is presented to them while making connections to prior knowledge. This video would be used for scaffolding and building background knowledge.
  • When utilizing this media platform, a good question for students to ponder would be:

“What are some ways that we can simplify and create a word bank that defines these different terminologies that we can refer to later on?

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

  • This novel is about two teenage boys discovering life and the obstacles that it has to offer. Through life experiences the two boys share a special bond together that helps push them through discrimination and the power of friendship.
  • According to StoryToolz this book is rated a 5th grade and lower reading level. The sentence structure is simple, and the most difficult phrases are in Spanish. However, using the qualitative rubric for text complexity for literary texts, this novel is actually very complex because it has multiple character viewpoints, the content is for an older audience and it requires a deeper fund of knowledge about life in general.  
  • The task for this is fairy complex because the book is 359 pages, so it will take a few weeks for the students to get through the book. This is a great book for 10th /9th graders to read in the classroom or at home as an assignment. It provides a different perspective than their own or a perspective that they can relate to.
  • A question I would have the students ponder as they read this novel is:

“Has the perspective of those around us towards sexuality and race the same as the book or has it changed since 2012 when this book was published? 

Purchase Book-Amazon

These texts serve as a guide for the educator and for the students to gain background knowledge before tackling on this book that is heavy with self discovery through obstacles such as sexual identity, racism, and as well as family issues. This may be a book that could be challenged by the guardians of the student and therefore an introductory letter or an invite for them to read the material would help them familiarize themselves with what is being taught and discussed in the classroom. As an educator though we want to facilitate and help guide the discussion between the students and not be a sage on the stage.

Other text sets as support:

theguardian- gay rights - background article, pre-reading 

nytimes- gay history and issues - background article, pre-reading 

Immigration - background article, pre-reading

The book touches on thinking and Sigmund Freud, this short video gives students an idea of who the character in the novel is talking about and why. 

